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Nước làm mát - Coolants

Nước làm mát - Coolants

Glysacorr G93

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Glysantin G 05 is an engine coolant concentrate based on ethylene glycol. It contains a hybrid corrosion inhibitor package with nitrites, salts of organic acids and silicates. Glysantin G 05 is free of amines and phosphates. Glysantin G 05 was developed to protect car, truck and bus engines of both ferrous and aluminium construction against corrosion and frost damage. It contains a blend of inhibitors designed to give a high degree of corrosion protection to engine components such as radiators, cylinder blocks/heads and water pumps. Due to its nitrite content this product is especially recommended for the use in heavy duty engines.

Nước làm mát - Coolants

Glysantin G05

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Glysantin G 05 is an engine coolant concentrate based on ethylene glycol. It contains a hybrid corrosion inhibitor package with nitrites, salts of organic acids and silicates. Glysantin G 05 is free of amines and phosphates. Glysantin G 05 was developed to protect car, truck and bus engines of both ferrous and aluminium construction against corrosion and frost damage. It contains a blend of inhibitors designed to give a high degree of corrosion protection to engine components such as radiators, cylinder blocks/heads and water pumps. Due to its nitrite content this product is especially recommended for the use in heavy duty engines.

Nước làm mát - Coolants

Glysantin G30

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Glysantin G 30 là chất làm mát gốc ethylene glycol, không chứa phụ gia nitrite-, amine-, phosphate-, silicate-, borate-, và phải pha loãng với nước trước khi dùng.

Nước làm mát - Coolants

Glysantin G48

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Glysantin G 48 là chất làm mát động cơ đậm đặc dựa trên thành phần chủ yếu là ethylene glycol. Nó chứa hợp chất phụ gia gây ức chế ăn mòn bao gồm muối của axit hữu cơ và silicat. Glysantin G 48 không chứa nitrite-, amine- và phosphate-.